Welcome back.
In my last post I did mention an App called Snapseed, so what is Snapseed?
Put simply, Snapseed is an application or App that is the mobile equivalent to Photoshop for the PC.
It’s free to use and available in Android or IOS and has a wonderful interface that makes it very easy to use.
Yes, there are numerous applications on the Play store that will give you many filters to overlay onto your image. However having used many myself the only one I now use on my phone is Snapseed.
Whether I have taken the photo on my phone or indeed on my camera and used the cameras WiFi to transfer onto my phone. It’s just a simple case of sharing the image into the Snapseed App and from there I can edit the image either with Snapseeds own built in filters for giving the image a black and white or a more hipster vintage look and these can be found in the Styles tab at the bottom of the App.
I much prefer to edit in the Tools section. From here I can tune the image to my liking, making it lighter, darker, more saturated, less saturated, open up the shadows, tone down the highlights. Watch out for going to crazy with Ambiance, this adjusts the contrast which adds punch but can lead to the photo just looking crazy.
You can crop, rotate and place text over the image. It really is a great piece of software, however with great power comes great responsibility as I get to see plenty of images that can only be described as, overcooked.
Once you're done you can export and save the image or share to your Social feeds.
All this is done with a simple swipe of your finger.
You can find plenty of video tutorials over on YouTube and it’s always well worth having a quick look and get to know the App.
Have fun, regards, Dave